DoctrineWHAT IS A REPROBATE MIND?Who is the author of a reprobate mind and why does God give some people up to a reprobate mind? That sounds really serious!
ReproofAS A MAN THINKS IN HIS HEART SO IS HEWe have heard this Bible verse quoted so many times but do we know where to find this verse? Let's search the scriptures.
DoctrineDIVORCEHow did divorce get started and is divorce the unpardonable sin? Are second marriages adultry?
ReproofWHAT ABOUT JOB?Did God allow the Devil to test Job? Job lost children wealth health. Would you do a servant likewise?
CorrectionWHY DID JESUS SPEAK IN PARABLES?Did Jesus begin to speak in parables so the children of Israel could understand or so they could not understand?
CorrectionWHAT THE DEVIL MEANT FOR BAD, GOD MEANT FOR GOODGod is not waiting for a bad volley from the Devil toward us so He can return it as a good volley for us.
Instruction In RighteousnessHOW DO WE CAPTURE A THOUGHT?In the scriptures, there are certian steps to bringing a thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
DoctrineWHY WOULD ANYONE NEED A SAVIOR?Does everyone nees a Savior? Many people are really good people. Do very good people need a savior also?