Instruction In RighteousnessHOW DO WE CAPTURE A THOUGHT?In the scriptures, there are certian steps to bringing a thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
Instruction In RighteousnessWHY DID JESUS CURSE THE FIG TREE?If it is not time for figs yet and one goes to the tree and finds no figs, duh! Why curse the tree?
Instruction In RighteousnessMETHOD OF OPERATION OF THE CHURCHJesus gave His disciples simple instructions on "where the rubber meets the road" for the church's M.O. on earth.
Instruction In RighteousnessFOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD Is John 3:16 a one-verse doctrine? Many who quote it cannot recite the verses before or after it.
Instruction In RighteousnessFAITH ACCESSES GRACEWhy have faith teachers not taught us to use our faith to access the graces provided to us through Jesus?
Instruction In RighteousnessIS THE OLD TESTAMENT RELEVANT TO US TODAY?Should we discard it or explore how it relates to the New Testament, according to the words of Jesus?
Instruction In RighteousnessWHY PRAY IN TONGUES?What is the purpose in the church today? Many misunderstand, yet the scriptures offer clear guidance.