In any society that believes that there is a set of laws, by which the behavior of the society should be governed, one of the main rules is that one should not tell lies. Of course this is one of the Truths of the scriptures put forth in the laws of God set forth in the Ten Commandments and throughout the scriptures.
Exod 20:16 Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
“against thy neighbor” is form the Hebrew word #7453 rea` (ray'-ah); an associate (more or less close):
In modern times we reduce this commandment down to “thou shall not lie!” This law of behavior, of not telling lies, is listed right in there with Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall not steal, Thou shall not commit murder. We should understand that these are laws that are highly important to any people of self-government or any people who are under a social set of laws for controlling social behavior. This would apply to a small group of people such as a tribe all the way up to a major city or nation and would be a great law for the whole world.
In modern times we have been witness to lies of all sorts from all manner of people! When we look at governments, national leaders, news media, pharmaceutical companies, the judicial system, the medical field, and the churches of all types, we see that lying has become prevalent in all areas of life. Truth has become a rare commodity. Anyone who is making diligent efforts to find and report the truth is labeled as a conspirator of theories. Why is that?
Very early in the book of Genesis we have the account of God establishing the family unit and commanding them to replenish the earth with offspring. As the family goes, so goes the earth. Satan has a great assault on the family unit. The family unit is big part of the core strength of the body of Christ, which is the church. The body of Christ should be core strength of any group of peoples up to a nation.
Why would that be? Because Jesus said that we are the light of the world and we are the salt of the earth.
Matt 5:13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Let’s examine what the good works, which we as the salt of the earth and the light of the world, should be presenting to the world to be seen by men, sould look like. Well, how about always telling the truth! Of course, most of us do not like it when someone lies to us. Most of us are bias toward our self and feel that we always try to be truthful! Telling the truth should be a lot more common than we are seeing at this time. We are getting ready to take a hard turn here and examine a major problem!
Children born to parents come with some things programmed right into their inter being by God. One of the items is a “belief, trust and faith system.” This system is programmed and built right into the child. Children naturally believe their parents. Children naturally have trust in their parents. Children naturally have faith in their parents. God designed and programmed those attributes to be in a child from birth. God charges parents, to train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old it will not depart from them. Wow! What a responsibility.
Let’s apply some good old horse sense here or it might be better named common sense! Jesus said that if we teach for doctrine the commands of men, we make the word of God of none effect.
Matt 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Mark 7:13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.
Let’s begin with the parents because we have all been taught things by our Elders, which we have just accepted, because we were programmed that way by God. However, Jesus did command us to know the Truth. Because of the way we are programmed, most of us have never done much research and studied the traditions of our Elders. We should do that!
When we have a child born unto us, we begin right off teaching them the traditions of our fathers and family traditions. We especially teach them about Christmas and tell them that December 25th was the time of year that Jesus, the Savior, was born, which is highly doubtful. Worst than that we teach them the traditions of Santa Clause with his supernatural “all knowing” abilities of who is naughty and who is nice. We teach them that Santa brings presents to all the children of the world who have obeyed their parents through the year. We teach them that Santa has reindeers that fly and pull his sleigh. We teach them that Santa will come into our house and leave presents under our tree. We teach them that Santa will eat cookies and drink milk in every house in one night. We teach them all these lies all the while looking them in the eye and telling them to always tell the truth. Usually the whole extended family is in on these lies.
If we examine our education system, we had our grade school teachers teaching us the same lies. We had our pagan trees decorated in our classrooms. How did the evergreen tree, the mistletoe and the holly tree become connected with the birth of Jesus? The answer is from the traditions of men as far back as Babylon! Our schools promote these same lies to the children.
If we examine the news media, we can remember the reports by the weatherman and his radar picking up some unusual movement at the North Pole on December the 24th around 8:30pm.
Now let’s look at the worst and saddest of all this violation against the children, which is the church. Those whom Jesus charged with bringing His Truth to all nations have joined in with the traditions of men and have chosen to promote these lies to the children with great fanfare. We have had Santa Clause come into our church programs and give out candy and presents to the little ones.
Mark 9:42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
Parents will say to their children, you have got to go to bed early tonight and go to sleep because old Santa Clause is going to come and leave you some presents tonight. You have been good this year and remember “always tell the truth” they say as they lie with their mouth, to their own children!
So why do the politicians the news media and all the big liars continue to lie to us? They learned it from the church. Jesus said we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. As the church goes, so goes the world.
Would to God that we would have men and women of faith that would stand up and say, “This lying to our children will stop with me and my generation. Lying to our children will not continue down our family lines. It stops with my family and me!” Folks, this is just simple common sense!
Now let’s turn to the serious damage that is unknowingly inflicted on a child, who have had their “belief, trust and faith system” violated by their authority figures. Even we who have been violated by our authority figures do not recognize just how adversely we have been affected by those violations. We seem to think that it is okay because it did not seem to really affect us personally or affect us that adversely. That is not true!
We are just not able to know how much damage we have received to our “belief, trust and faith system” because that which happened to us is not the way the natural program by God should have been developed or should have taken place with our relation to our authority figures. Because of this violation, we actually do not know what is normal in using our “belief, trust and faith system” in regard to authority figures and truth.
One way to get an idea of understanding in this damage to our “belief, trust and faith system” is to compare it to our “sexual system” which is also programmed into each human being born on the earth. Each human being born has a “sexual system” programmed right in their being. If that “sexual system” is protected, nurtured through education, maturity and commitment, that “sexual system” will mature and will provide that individual a lifetime of joy, pleasure and intimacy with a marriage partner. That is how God designed and programmed our “sexual system” to be developed and expressed during our lifetime.
Those who work in the counseling industry or those who work in the deliverance ministry will tell you that an individual who has had an “authority figure” violate a child’s “sexual system” that violation actually destroyers the boundaries of that child’s “sexual system.” The God designed “sexual system” becomes totally distorted and damaged. The results of that violation will cause that child, when they have become adults, to have a very difficult time ever having normal and satisfying sexual relations with their marriage partner. This is the case with boys and girls.
Those who work in the counseling industry or those who work in the deliverance ministry will tell you that an adult who have be violated by rape, even violent rape, by someone who is not a family authority figure will usually be able to enter a marriage and have normal sexual relations with their mate.
Here is the comparison! We cannot look at a person who has been sexually violated by an authority figure and physically see the damage. They look very normal. The damage usually manifest when the person enters a marriage covenant. Then is when the damaged “sexual system” will cause abnormal reactions in the marriage relationship especially in the role of sexual intercourse. Nothing is normal! Sexual desires cause problems rather than the satisfaction and pleasure, even though God designed the “sexual system” of the husband and wife to be enjoyed with each other within the bonds of marriage.
When we get to know individuals, who have been sexually violated by the family members, most of us will have the feeling of “what a tragedy!” Then we will correctly judge the family violators with, “how could a family member do that to their own child?”
With that example and understanding put forth, let’s back up to the violation of the “belief, trust and faith system” of a child by an authority figure. When a child realizes that they have been lied to by their parents, the extended family members, their school, the news media but most of all the local church all have been lying to them their “belief, trust and faith system” is distorted and damaged to the highest degree possible. However, we tend to gloss this over because “it’s all for the little ones Christmas joy!” What a lie! The Devil had beguiled us!
With the above sexual example in mind, where would it occur that our damaged “belief, trust and faith system” would have a tendency to show up in our life and cause us problems in operating in the kingdom of heaven?
When we as members of the body of Christ attempt to use our violated and distorted “belief, trust and faith system” in our relationship as children of God and the promises in the Word of God made to the children of God!
Did Jesus say to His disciples that the works that He did we shall do also? Yes He did and He did not say a few of the works shall you do!
John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
How many places have we been where we have seen the body of Christ doing the same works that Jesus did while He was on the earth? Why is that?
Could it be that our “belief, trust and faith system” has been so damaged and distorted by our earthly authority figures that we have trouble operating properly with the highest authority figure of all? Of course that would be the God of the universe and His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Scriptures?
Our earthly fathers, mothers and authority figures lied to us! Could this violation have influenced us in our “belief, trust and faith system” toward our heavenly Father and our relationship with His Son Jesus Christ and His Word of Truth? This could be way more serious and adverse than we are aware of!
We cannot look in the mirror at our self or look at other members of the body of Christ and physically see the damage done to our “belief, trust and faith system” by our Elders! However, when we observe the inability in the body of Christ to carry out the instructions of the Lord Jesus that should tell us something about our “belief, trust and faith system”! Is God the problem or are we the problem?
We will sometimes hear believers say, “Well I believe in God. I trust in the Word of God. I have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ but my prayers are just not being answered and coming to pass.” Many will judge God as being unfaithful and dealing unfairly with us. The truth is that it may be that the problem is with our damaged and distorted “belief, trust and faith system” damaged by our earthly fathers and mothers and now that damage is carrying over onto our relationship with our heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God. We must come to the fact that God is not the problem!
So where do we start to correct this damage and distortion of our “belief, trust and faith system” and move into reversing the damage and distortion of our “belief, trust and faith system”? The first thing that is important is to acknowledge the fact that we have been violated and damaged by the traditions of our elders and our authority figures.
We know the scriptures that state that God does not withhold any good thing from those who love Him. We know that Jesus said that we can ask the Father anything in His name and He will do it for us.
Ps 84:11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
John 16:23 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.
When we have put these promises into effect with our prayers and feel that we have believed, we have trusted and we have extended our faith into these promises and then nothing happens we feel sort of like we did when we learned our parents had lied to us about Santa Clause and the fact Santa Clause actually was not real or true. What a devastating feeling of being let down has been instilled into a child.
If we can come to terms with the facts and discern that we have had a serious injury and destruction done to our God designed and programmed “belief, trust and faith system,” then we have set our self in a position to began to deal with the damage and distortion of our “belief, trust and faith system” Only then will we be able to begin to recover our self from the damage done by the lies of our authority figures and then we can begin to move into redeveloping our “belief, trust and faith system” in our relationship with God and His Word of Truth.
God stated in His word that He is not a man that He should lie. We must come to the understanding that our parents and elders lying to us in our developing years has damaged us and has reprogrammed us to not be able to fully trust authority figures or their promises.
This perverted programming has caused us to judge God as unreliable and untrustworthy just like our earthly authority figures. Therefore we “unknowingly” will include God and His Word as being unreliable and untrustworthy. Of course we would never say that out loud to anyone. However, we have difficulty moving past the damage by our earthly authority figures.
We must ask our self this question. How many times have we felt that we believed in God and His word of promise, we felt like we trusted in God and His word of promise, we felt like we had faith in God and His word of promise with all of our heart but yet things didn’t come to pass as we expected?
Many times our first response is to feel like God and His Word have let us down. Again, that feeling is very similar to the feeling we had when we learned our parents and elders had been lying about Santa Clause.
This is a hard pill to swallow but many times we have heard parents complain that their children will listen to their peers and friends before they will listen to the instructions of the parents. The reason is that the parents lied to the children and their peers and friends are the ones that told the children that their parents have been lying to them. Guess who told the child the truth!
How many times have we seen and heard a child, say 5 to 8 years old, argue with an older child and say, “there is to a Santa Clause because my mommy and daddy told me there is a Santa Clause and there is a Santa Clause because my mommy and daddy would not lie to me?” Children, who are programmed by God with a “belief, trust and faith system” toward their parents, will even defend their parents to the older children because they are programmed to know that their parents would not lie to them.
The sad part of this reality is that the older children will tell the believing child, “Your mommy and daddy are lying to you. Just you wait and you will see who is telling the truth and who is telling a lie.” And they do! What a sad, sad day in the life of an innocent child and it happened to most of us. The authority figures, mommy and daddy, are found out to be the liars and the piers are found out to be truthful and can be believed, trusted and have faint in and not our parents.
Another fact in this saga of common sense is, when we go to a mall or any place where a Santa Clause is being hired to allow little children to set on his lap and tell him what they want for Christmas, we will see the little ones who see Santa for the first time squeal, squirm and resist getting near him.
The two year olds recognize this strange being as evil. Out of the mouths of babes comes wisdom. Oh that the parents were wise as the two year olds! The parents will then begin to assure the child that Santa is a good guy and to be accepted as good and normal. Then the child belives their parents and accepts this evil false being.
This is very similar to the Garden of Eden when the Lord God told Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because it would kill them. After the Devil bedazzled Eve, she saw that the fruit was good for food and to be desired to make one wise. Say what?
Gen 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Gen 3:6 and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
Wow! Have we in the body of Christ followed the traditions of our fore fathers Adam and Eve?
Always tell the truth they say as they lie, all the while doing great harm to their children’s “belief, trust and faith system.” Most all of us have been affected adversely by our authority figures. Even more disturbing is that we, who have been damaged, then continue in the traditions of our fathers and do the same damage to our children. Will it stop with me?
How many times have we quoted or heard 2nd Chronicles 7:14 quoted?
2nd Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
When we hear this verse quoted, we never get a list of the wicked ways that the people of God need to turn from. Seems that the traditions of our fathers lying to their children should be on the list and maybe at the very top.
Grace and Peace multiplied in the name of Jesus.
Compiled by Jerry Thomas 01/12/2025
All scripture references are (KJV) unless otherwise denoted.
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