Instruction In RighteousnessWHY DID JESUS CURSE THE FIG TREE?If it is not time for figs yet and one goes to the tree and finds no figs, duh! Why curse the tree?
PREPAREThis word is a commandment in the scriptures. Let's examine how and where that commandment is used.
DoctrineDOMINIONWe hear God is in control! Is God in control of this big mess? Who has dominion on the earth?
DoctrineIS TITHING NEW TESTAMENT DOCTRINE?We grew up hearing tithing is New Testament gospel and the church is the place we should give our tithes. Is that truth from the Word?
General Topics & PrayersCAN THE DEVIL TAKE BELIEVERS CAPTIVE AT HIS WILL?Being taken captive by the devil or falling into his trap is not the inheritance of a believer.
Instruction In RighteousnessMETHOD OF OPERATION OF THE CHURCHJesus gave His disciples simple instructions on "where the rubber meets the road" for the church's M.O. on earth.
Instruction In RighteousnessFOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD Is John 3:16 a one-verse doctrine? Many who quote it cannot recite the verses before or after it.
CorrectionIS THE CHURCH THE BRIDE OF CHRIST?As believers we have heard that the church is the bride of Christ. Will the scriptures support that thinking?